Tuesday, November 20, 2012

SQL Server error messages list 0 to 1000

SQL Server error messages list 0 to 1000


error severity description
21 20 Warning: Fatal error %d occurred at %S_DATE. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator.
101 15 Query not allowed in Waitfor.
102 15 Incorrect syntax near ‘%.*ls’.
103 15 The %S_MSG that starts with ‘%.*ls’ is too long. Maximum length is %d.
104 15 ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator.
105 15 Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ‘%.*ls’.
106 16 Too many table names in the query. The maximum allowable is %d.
107 15 The column prefix ‘%.*ls’ does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
108 15 The ORDER BY position number %ld is out of range of the number of items in the select list.
109 15 There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.
110 15 There are fewer columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.
111 15 ‘%ls’ must be the first statement in a query batch.
112 15 Variables are not allowed in the %ls statement.
113 15 Missing end comment mark ‘*/’.
114 15 Browse mode is invalid for a statement that assigns values to a variable.
115 15 The FOR UPDATE clause is invalid for statements containing set operators.
116 15 Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
117 15 The %S_MSG name ‘%.*ls’ contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is %d.
119 15 Must pass parameter number %d and subsequent parameters as ‘@name = value’. After the form ‘@name = value’ has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form ‘@name = value’.
120 15 The select list for the INSERT statement contains fewer items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.
121 15 The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.
122 15 The %ls option is allowed only with %ls syntax.
123 15 Batch/procedure exceeds maximum length of %d characters.
124 15 CREATE PROCEDURE contains no statements.
125 15 Case expressions may only be nested to level %d.
126 15 Invalid pseudocolumn “%.*ls”.
127 15 A TOP N value may not be negative.
128 15 The name “%.*s” is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.
129 15 Fillfactor %d is not a valid percentage; fillfactor must be between 1 and 100.
130 16 Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.
131 15 The size (%d) given to the %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ exceeds the maximum allowed for any data type (%d).
132 15 The label ‘%.*ls’ has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
133 15 A GOTO statement references the label ‘%.*ls’ but the label has not been declared.
134 15 The variable name ‘%.*ls’ has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
135 15 Cannot use a BREAK statement outside the scope of a WHILE statement.
136 15 Cannot use a CONTINUE statement outside the scope of a WHILE statement.
137 15 Must declare the scalar variable “%.*ls”.
138 15 Correlation clause in a subquery not permitted.
139 15 Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.
140 15 Can only use IF UPDATE within a CREATE TRIGGER statement.
141 15 A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations.
142 15 Incorrect syntax for definition of the ‘%ls’ constraint.
143 15 A COMPUTE BY item was not found in the order by list. All expressions in the compute by list must also be present in the order by list.
144 15 Cannot use an aggregate or a subquery in an expression used for the group by list of a GROUP BY clause.
145 15 ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.
146 15 Could not allocate ancillary table for a subquery. Maximum number of tables in a query (%d) exceeded.
147 15 An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.
148 15 Incorrect time syntax in time string ‘%.*ls’ used with WAITFOR.
149 15 Time value ‘%.*ls’ used with WAITFOR is not a valid value. Check date/time syntax.
150 15 Both terms of an outer join must contain columns.
151 15 ‘%.*ls’ is an invalid money value.
152 15 The same large data placement option “%.*ls” has been specified twice.
153 15 Invalid usage of the option %.*ls in the %ls statement.
154 15 %S_MSG is not allowed in %S_MSG.
155 15 ‘%.*ls’ is not a recognized %ls option.
156 15 Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘%.*ls’.
157 15 An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement.
158 15 An aggregate may not appear in the OUTPUT clause.
159 15 Must specify the table name and index name for the DROP INDEX statement.
160 15 Rule does not contain a variable.
161 15 Rule contains more than one variable.
162 15 Invalid expression in the TOP clause.
163 15 The compute by list does not match the order by list.
164 15 Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference.
165 16 Privilege %ls may not be granted or revoked.
166 15 ‘%ls’ does not allow specifying the database name as a prefix to the object name.
167 15 Cannot create %S_MSG on a temporary object.
168 15 The floating point value ‘%.*ls’ is out of the range of computer representation (%d bytes).
169 15 A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique.
171 15 Browse mode cannot be used with INSERT, SELECT INTO, or UPDATE statements.
172 15 Cannot use HOLDLOCK in browse mode.
173 15 The definition for column ‘%.*ls’ must include a data type.
174 15 The %.*ls function requires %d argument(s).
175 15 An aggregate may not appear in a computed column expression or check constraint.
176 15 The FOR BROWSE clause is no longer supported in views. Set the database compatibility level to 80 or lower for this statement to be allowed.
177 15 The IDENTITY function can only be used when the SELECT statement has an INTO clause.
178 15 A RETURN statement with a return value cannot be used in this context.
179 15 Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure.
180 15 There are too many parameters in this %ls statement. The maximum number is %d.
181 15 Cannot use the OUTPUT option in a DECLARE, CREATE AGGREGATE or CREATE FUNCTION statement.
182 15 Table and column names must be supplied for the READTEXT or WRITETEXT utility.
183 15 The scale (%d) for column ‘%.*ls’ must be within the range %d to %d.
184 16 DEFAULT cannot be specified more than once for filegroups of the same content type.
185 15 Data stream is invalid for WRITETEXT statement in bulk form.
186 15 Data stream missing from WRITETEXT statement.
187 16 The valid range for MAX_QUEUE_READERS is 0 to 32767.
188 15 Cannot specify a log file in a CREATE DATABASE statement without also specifying at least one data file.
189 15 The %ls function requires %d to %d arguments.
190 15 An invalid date or time was specified in the statement.
191 15 Some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply. Rewrite the query or break it up into smaller queries.
192 16 The scale must be less than or equal to the precision.
193 15 The object or column name starting with ‘%.*ls’ is too long. The maximum length is %d characters.
194 15 A SELECT INTO statement cannot contain a SELECT statement that assigns values to a variable.
195 15 ‘%.*ls’ is not a recognized %S_MSG.
196 15 SELECT INTO must be the first query in a statement containing a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator.
197 15 EXECUTE cannot be used as a source when inserting into a table variable.
198 15 Browse mode is invalid for statements containing a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator.
199 15 An INSERT statement cannot contain a SELECT statement that assigns values to a variable.
201 16 Procedure or function ‘%.*ls’ expects parameter ‘%.*ls’, which was not supplied.
202 16 Invalid type ‘%s’ for WAITFOR. Supported data types are CHAR/VARCHAR, NCHAR/NVARCHAR, and DATETIME. WAITFOR DELAY supports the INT and SMALLINT data types.
203 16 The name ‘%.*ls’ is not a valid identifier.
204 20 Normalization error in node %ls.
205 16 All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists.
206 16 Operand type clash: %ls is incompatible with %ls
207 16 Invalid column name ‘%.*ls’.
208 16 Invalid object name ‘%.*ls’.
209 16 Ambiguous column name ‘%.*ls’.
210 16 Conversion failed when converting datetime from binary/varbinary string.
211 23 Possible schema corruption. Run DBCC CHECKCATALOG.
212 16 Expression result length exceeds the maximum. %d max, %d found.
213 16 Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
214 16 Procedure expects parameter ‘%ls’ of type ‘%ls’.
215 16 Parameters supplied for object ‘%.*ls’ which is not a function. If the parameters are intended as a table hint, a WITH keyword is required.
216 16 Parameters were not supplied for the function ‘%.*ls’.
217 16 Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit %d).
218 16 Could not find the type ‘%.*ls’. Either it does not exist or you do not have the necessary permission.
219 16 The type ‘%.*ls’ already exists, or you do not have permission to create it.
220 16 Arithmetic overflow error for data type %ls, value = %ld.
221 10 FIPS Warning: Implicit conversion from %ls to %ls.
222 16 The base type “%.*ls” is not a valid base type for the alias data type.
223 11 Object ID %ld specified as a default for table ID %ld, column ID %d is missing or not of type default.
224 11 Object ID %ld specified as a rule for table ID %ld, column ID %d is missing or not of type default.
225 16 The parameters supplied for the %ls “%.*ls” are not valid.
226 16 %ls statement not allowed within multi-statement transaction.
227 15 “%.*ls” is not a valid function, property, or field.
228 15 Method ‘%.*ls’ of type ‘%.*ls’ in assembly ‘%.*ls’ does not return any value.
229 14 The %ls permission was denied on the object ‘%.*ls’, database ‘%.*ls’, schema ‘%.*ls’.
230 14 The %ls permission was denied on the column ‘%.*ls’ of the object ‘%.*ls”, database ‘%.*ls’, schema ‘%.*ls’.
231 11 No such default. ID = %ld, database ID = %d.
232 16 Arithmetic overflow error for type %ls, value = %f.
233 16 The column ‘%.*ls’ in table ‘%.*ls’ cannot be null.
234 16 There is insufficient result space to convert a money value to %ls.
235 16 Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.
236 16 The conversion from char data type to money resulted in a money overflow error.
237 16 There is insufficient result space to convert a money value to %ls.
239 16 Duplicate common table expression name ‘%.*ls’ was specified.
240 16 Types don’t match between the anchor and the recursive part in column “%.*ls” of recursive query “%.*ls”.
241 16 Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
242 16 The conversion of a %ls data type to a %ls data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
243 16 Type %.*ls is not a defined system type.
244 16 The conversion of the %ls value ‘%.*ls’ overflowed an %hs column. Use a larger integer column.
245 16 Conversion failed when converting the %ls value ‘%.*ls’ to data type %ls.
246 16 No anchor member was specified for recursive query “%.*ls”.
247 16 An anchor member was found in the recursive part of recursive query “%.*ls”.
248 16 The conversion of the %ls value ‘%.*ls’ overflowed an int column.
249 16 The type “%ls” is not comparable. It cannot be used in the %ls clause.
251 16 Could not allocate ancillary table for query optimization. Maximum number of tables in a query (%d) exceeded.
252 16 Recursive common table expression ‘%.*ls’ does not contain a top-level UNION ALL operator.
253 16 Recursive member of a common table expression ‘%.*ls’ has multiple recursive references.
254 16 Prefixed columns are not allowed in the column list of a PIVOT operator.
255 16 Pseudocolumns are not allowed in the column list of a PIVOT operator.
256 16 The data type %ls is invalid for the %ls function. Allowed types are: char/varchar, nchar/nvarchar, and binary/varbinary.
257 16 Implicit conversion from data type %ls to %ls is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
258 15 Cannot call methods on %ls.
259 16 Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed.
260 16 Disallowed implicit conversion from data type %ls to data type %ls, table ‘%.*ls’, column ‘%.*ls’. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
261 16 ‘%.*ls’ is not a recognized function.
262 16 %ls permission denied in database ‘%.*ls’.
263 16 Must specify table to select from.
264 16 The column name ‘%.*ls’ is specified more than once in the SET clause. A column cannot be assigned more than one value in the same SET clause. Modify the SET clause to make sure that a column is updated only once. If the SET clause updates columns of a vi
265 16 The column name “%.*ls” specified in the %ls operator conflicts with the existing column name in the %ls argument.
266 16 Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = %ld, current count = %ld.
267 16 Object ‘%.*ls’ cannot be found.
268 16 Cannot run SELECT INTO in this database. The database owner must run sp_dboption to enable this option.
270 16 Object ‘%.*ls’ cannot be modified.
271 16 The column “%.*ls” cannot be modified because it is either a computed column or is the result of a UNION operator.
272 16 Cannot update a timestamp column.
273 16 Cannot insert an explicit value into a timestamp column. Use INSERT with a column list to exclude the timestamp column, or insert a DEFAULT into the timestamp column.
275 16 Prefixes are not allowed in value or pivot columns of an UNPIVOT operator.
276 16 Pseudocolumns are not allowed as value or pivot columns of an UNPIVOT operator.
277 16 The column “%.*ls” is specified multiple times in the column list of the UNPIVOT operator.
278 16 The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be used in a GROUP BY clause.
279 16 The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.
280 16 Only base table columns are allowed in the TEXTPTR function.
281 16 %d is not a valid style number when converting from %ls to a character string.
282 10 The ‘%.*ls’ procedure attempted to return a status of NULL, which is not allowed. A status of 0 will be returned instead.
283 16 READTEXT cannot be used on inserted or deleted tables within an INSTEAD OF trigger.
284 16 Rules cannot be bound to text, ntext, or image data types.
285 16 The READTEXT, WRITETEXT, and UPDATETEXT statements cannot be used with views or functions.
286 16 The logical tables INSERTED and DELETED cannot be updated.
287 16 The %ls statement is not allowed within a trigger.
288 16 The PATINDEX function operates on char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar, text, and ntext data types only.
290 16 Invalid EXECUTE statement using object “%ls”, method “%ls”.
291 16 CAST or CONVERT: invalid attributes specified for type ‘%.*ls’
292 16 There is insufficient result space to convert a smallmoney value to %ls.
293 16 Cannot convert char value to smallmoney. The char value has incorrect syntax.
294 16 The conversion from char data type to smallmoney data type resulted in a smallmoney overflow error.
295 16 Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.
297 16 The user does not have permission to perform this action.
300 14 %ls permission was denied on object ‘%.*ls’, database ‘%.*ls’.
301 16 Query contains an outer-join request that is not permitted.
302 16 The newsequentialid() built-in function can only be used in a DEFAULT expression for a column of type ‘uniqueidentifier’ in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. It cannot be combined with other operators to form a complex scalar expression.
303 16 The table ‘%.*ls’ is an inner member of an outer-join clause. This is not allowed if the table also participates in a regular join clause.
304 16 ‘%d’ is out of range for index option ‘%.*ls’. See sp_configure option ‘%ls’ for valid values.
305 16 The XML data type cannot be compared or sorted, except when using the IS NULL operator.
306 16 The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.
307 16 Index ID %d on table ‘%.*ls’ (specified in the FROM clause) does not exist.
308 16 Index ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’ (specified in the FROM clause) does not exist.
309 16 Cannot use index “%.*ls” on table “%.*ls” in a hint. XML indexes are not allowed in hints.
310 15 The value %d specified for the MAXRECURSION option exceeds the allowed maximum of %d.
311 16 Cannot use text, ntext, or image columns in the ‘inserted’ and ‘deleted’ tables.
312 16 Cannot reference text, ntext, or image columns in a filter stored procedure.
313 16 An insufficient number of arguments were supplied for the procedure or function %.*ls.
314 16 Cannot use GROUP BY ALL with the special tables INSERTED or DELETED.
315 16 Index “%.*ls” on table “%.*ls” (specified in the FROM clause) is disabled or resides in a filegroup which is not online.
316 16 The index ID %d on table “%.*ls” (specified in the FROM clause) is disabled or resides in a filegroup which is not online.
317 16 Table-valued function ‘%.*ls’ cannot have a column alias.
318 16 The table (and its columns) returned by a table-valued method need to be aliased.
319 16 Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘with’. If this statement is a common table expression, an xmlnamespaces clause or a change tracking context clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.
320 16 The compile-time variable value for ‘%.*ls’ in the OPTIMIZE FOR clause must be a literal.
321 15 “%.*ls” is not a recognized table hints option. If it is intended as a parameter to a table-valued function or to the CHANGETABLE function, ensure that your database compatibility mode is set to 90.
322 15 The variable “%.*ls” is specified in the OPTIMIZE FOR clause, but is not used in the query.
323 16 The ‘COMPUTE’ clause is not allowed in a statement containing an INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator.
324 15 The ‘ALL’ version of the %.*ls operator is not supported.
325 15 Incorrect syntax near ‘%.*ls’. You may need to set the compatibility level of the current database to a higher value to enable this feature. See help for the SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL option of ALTER DATABASE.
326 16 Multi-part identifier ‘%.*ls’ is ambiguous. Both columns ‘%.*ls’ and ‘%.*ls’ exist.
327 16 Function call ‘%.*ls’ is ambiguous: both a user-defined function and a method call with this name exist.
328 16 A cursor plan could not be generated for the given statement because the textptr() function was used on a LOB column from one of the base tables.
329 16 Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column reference.
330 15 The target ‘%.*ls’ of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot be a view or common table expression.
331 15 The target table ‘%.*ls’ of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot have any enabled triggers.
332 15 The target table ‘%.*ls’ of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot be on either side of a (primary key, foreign key) relationship. Found reference constraint ‘%ls’.
333 15 The target table ‘%.*ls’ of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot have any enabled check constraints or any enabled rules. Found check constraint or rule ‘%ls’.
334 15 The target table ‘%.*ls’ of the DML statement cannot have any enabled triggers if the statement contains an OUTPUT clause without INTO clause.
335 16 Function call cannot be used to match a target table in the FROM clause of a DELETE or UPDATE statement. Use function name ‘%.*ls’ without parameters instead.
336 15 Incorrect syntax near ‘%.*ls’. If this is intended to be a common table expression, you need to explicitly terminate the previous statement with a semi-colon.
337 10 Warning: the floating point value ‘%.*ls’ is too small. It will be interpreted as 0.
338 16 READEXT, WRITETEXT, and UPDATETEXT statements cannot be used with views, remote tables, and inserted or deleted tables inside triggers.
339 16 DEFAULT or NULL are not allowed as explicit identity values.
340 16 Cannot create the trigger “%.*ls” on view “%.*ls”. AFTER triggers cannot be created on views.
341 16 Replication filter procedures may not contain columns of large object, large value, XML or CLR type.
342 16 Column “%.*ls” is not allowed in this context, and the user-defined function or aggregate “%.*ls” could not be found.
343 15 Unknown object type ‘%.*ls’ used in a CREATE, DROP, or ALTER statement.
344 16 Remote function reference ‘%.*ls’ is not allowed, and the column name ‘%.*ls’ could not be found or is ambiguous.
345 16 Function ‘%.*ls’ is not allowed in the OUTPUT clause, because it performs user or system data access, or is assumed to perform this access. A function is assumed by default to perform data access if it is not schemabound.
346 15 The parameter “%.*ls” can not be declared READONLY since it is not a table-valued parameter.
347 16 The table-valued parameter “%.*ls” cannot be declared as an OUTPUT parameter.
348 16 The table variable “%.*ls” can not be passed to a stored procedure with the OUTPUT option.
349 16 The procedure “%.*ls” has no parameter named “%.*ls”.
350 16 The column “%.*ls” does not have a valid data type. A column cannot be of a user-defined table type.
351 16 Column, parameter, or variable %.*ls. : Cannot find data type %.*ls.
352 15 The table-valued parameter “%.*ls” must be declared with the READONLY option.
353 16 Function ‘%.*ls’ is not allowed in the %S_MSG clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. This is because the function performs user or system data access, or is assumed to perform this access. By default, a f
354 16 The target ‘%.*ls’ of the INSERT statement cannot be a view or common table expression when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement.
355 16 The target table ‘%.*ls’ of the INSERT statement cannot have any enabled triggers when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement.
356 16 The target table ‘%.*ls’ of the INSERT statement cannot be on either side of a (primary key, foreign key) relationship when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. Found reference constraint ‘%ls’.
357 16 The target table ‘%.*ls’ of the INSERT statement cannot have any enabled rules when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. Found rule ‘%ls’.
358 16 The target table ‘%.*ls’ of the MERGE statement cannot have any enabled rules. Found rule ‘%ls’.
359 16 The target ‘%.*ls’ of an OUTPUT INTO clause has an index with the ignore_dup_key option and cannot be used when an OUTPUT clause is also used.
360 16 The target column list of an INSERT, UPDATE, or MERGE statement cannot contain both a sparse column and the column set that contains the sparse column. Rewrite the statement to include either the sparse column or the column set, but not both.
361 16 The number of target columns that are specified in an INSERT, UPDATE, or MERGE statement exceeds the maximum of %d. This total number includes identity, timestamp, and columns that have default values. To correct this error, change the query to target a s
362 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan because the name ‘%.*ls’ in the FORCESEEK hint on table or view ‘%.*ls’ did not match the key column names of the index ‘%.*ls’.
363 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan because the FORCESEEK hint on table or view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used with the %S_MSG specified by index ‘%.*ls’.
364 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan because the FORCESEEK hint on view ‘%.*ls’ is used without a NOEXPAND hint. Resubmit the query with the NOEXPAND hint or remove the FORCESEEK hint on the view.
365 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan because the FORCESEEK hint on table or view ‘%.*ls’ specified more seek columns than the number of key columns in index ‘%.*ls’.
401 16 Unimplemented statement or expression %ls.
402 16 The data types %s and %s are incompatible in the %s operator.
403 16 Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals %ls, type equals %ls.
404 16 The column reference “inserted.%.*ls” is not allowed because it refers to a base table that is not being modified in this statement.
405 16 A remote table cannot be used as a DML target in a statement which includes an OUTPUT clause or a nested DML statement.
406 16 %ls cannot be used in the PIVOT operator because it is not invariant to NULLs.
407 16 Internal error. The string routine in file %hs, line %d failed with HRESULT 0x%x.
408 16 A constant expression was encountered in the ORDER BY list, position %i.
411 16 COMPUTE clause #%d, aggregate expression #%d is not in the select list.
412 16 The column “%.*ls” is not updatable because it is derived or constant.
413 16 Correlated parameters or sub-queries are not supported by the inline function “%.*ls”.
414 16 UPDATE is not allowed because the statement updates view “%.*ls” which participates in a join and has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger.
415 16 DELETE is not allowed because the statement updates view “%.*ls” which participates in a join and has an INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger.
416 16 The service queue “%.*ls” cannot be directly updated.
417 16 TOP is not allowed in an UPDATE or DELETE statement against a partitioned view.
418 16 Objects exposing CLR type columns are not allowed in distributed queries. Use a pass-through query to access the remote object ‘%.*ls’.
421 16 The %ls data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable.
422 16 Common table expression defined but not used.
423 16 Xml data type methods are not supported in check constraints. Create a scalar user-defined function to wrap the method invocation. The error occurred at table “%.*ls”.
424 16 Xml data type methods are not supported in computed column definitions of table variables and return tables of table-valued functions. The error occurred at column “%.*ls”, table “%.*ls”, in the %ls statement.
425 16 Data type %ls of receiving variable is not equal to the data type %ls of column ‘%.*ls’.
426 16 The length %d of the receiving variable is less than the length %d of the column ‘%.*ls’.
427 20 Could not load the definition for constraint ID %d in database ID %d. Run DBCC CHECKCATALOG to verify the integrity of the database.
428 16 Insert bulk cannot be used in a multi-statement batch.
432 16 Xml data type methods are not supported in check constraints anymore. Please drop the constraint or create a scalar user-defined function to wrap the method invocation. The error occurred at table “%.*ls”.
434 16 Function ‘%ls’ is not allowed in the OUTPUT clause.
435 16 Xml data type methods are not supported in computed column definitions. Create a scalar user-defined function to wrap the method invocation. The error occurred at column “%.*ls”, table “%.*ls”, in the %ls statement.
438 16 Xml data type methods are not allowed in rules. The error occurred at table “%.*ls”.
440 16 Internal query compilation error. The stack overflow could not be handled.
441 16 Cannot use the ‘%ls’ function on a remote data source.
442 16 The NEST argument must be a column reference. Expressions are not allowed.
443 16 Invalid use of a side-effecting operator ‘%s’ within a function.
444 16 Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client.
445 16 COLLATE clause cannot be used on expressions containing a COLLATE clause.
446 16 Cannot resolve collation conflict for %ls operation.
447 16 Expression type %ls is invalid for COLLATE clause.
448 16 Invalid collation ‘%.*ls’.
449 16 Collation conflict caused by collate clauses with different collation ‘%.*ls’ and ‘%.*ls’.
450 16 Code page translations are not supported for the text data type. From: %d To: %d.
451 16 Cannot resolve collation conflict for column %d in %ls statement.
452 16 COLLATE clause cannot be used on user-defined data types.
453 16 Collation ‘%.*ls’ is supported on Unicode data types only and cannot be set at the database or server level.
454 16 The UNNEST argument must be a nested table column.
455 16 The last statement included within a function must be a return statement.
456 16 Implicit conversion of %ls value to %ls cannot be performed because the resulting collation is unresolved due to collation conflict.
457 16 Implicit conversion of %ls value to %ls cannot be performed because the collation of the value is unresolved due to a collation conflict.
458 16 Cannot create the SELECT INTO target table “%.*ls” because the xml column “%.*ls” is typed with a schema collection “%.*ls” from database “%.*ls”. Xml columns cannot refer to schemata across databases.
459 16 Collation ‘%.*ls’ is supported on Unicode data types only and cannot be applied to char, varchar or text data types.
460 16 DISTINCT operator is not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression ‘%.*ls’.
461 16 TOP operator is not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression ‘%.*ls’.
462 16 Outer join is not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression ‘%.*ls’.
463 16 Functions with parameters are not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression ‘%.*ls’.
464 16 Functions with side effects are not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression ‘%.*ls’.
465 16 Recursive references are not allowed in subqueries.
466 16 UNION operator is not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression ‘%.*ls’.
467 16 GROUP BY, HAVING, or aggregate functions are not allowed in the recursive part of a recursive common table expression ‘%.*ls’.
468 16 Cannot resolve the collation conflict between “%.*ls” and “%.*ls” in the %ls operation.
469 16 An explicit column list must be specified for target table ‘%.*ls’ when table hint KEEPIDENTITY is used and the table contains an identity column.
470 16 The synonym “%.*ls” referenced synonym “%.*ls”. Synonym chaining is not allowed.
471 16 Only one of the three options, SINGLE_BLOB, SINGLE_CLOB or SINGLE_NCLOB, can be specified.
472 16 Either a format file or one of the three options SINGLE_BLOB, SINGLE_CLOB, or SINGLE_NCLOB must be specified.
473 16 The incorrect value “%.*ls” is supplied in the PIVOT operator.
474 16 Unable to load the computed column definitions for table “%.*ls”.
475 16 Invalid SAMPLE clause. Only table names in the FROM clause of SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries may be sampled.
476 16 Invalid PERCENT tablesample size “%f” for table “%.*ls”. The PERCENT tablesample size must be between 0 and 100.
477 16 Invalid ROWS value or REPEATABLE seed in the TABLESAMPLE clause for table “%.*ls”. The value or seed must be an integer.
478 16 The TABLESAMPLE clause cannot be used in a view definition or inline table function definition.
479 16 Invalid ROWS value or REPEATABLE seed “%I64d” in the TABLESAMPLE clause for table “%.*ls”. The value or seed must be greater than 0.
480 16 The TABLESAMPLE clause cannot be used with the table function “%.*ls”.
481 16 The TABLESAMPLE clause cannot be used with the linked server table “%.*ls”.
482 16 Non-constant or invalid expression is in the TABLESAMPLE or the REPEATABLE clause.
483 16 The OUTPUT clause cannot be used in an INSERT…EXEC statement.
484 16 Cannot declare more than %d local variables.
485 16 Views and inline functions cannot return xml columns that are typed with a schema collection registered in a database other than current. Column “%.*ls” is typed with the schema collection “%.*ls”, which is registered in database “%.*ls”.
486 16 “%.*ls” does not allow specifying a schema name as a prefix to the assembly name.
487 16 An invalid option was specified for the statement “%.*ls”.
488 16 %s columns must be comparable. The type of column “%.*ls” is “%s”, which is not comparable.
489 16 The OUTPUT clause cannot be specified because the target view “%.*ls” is a partitioned view.
490 16 The resync functionality is temporarily disabled.
491 16 A correlation name must be specified for the bulk rowset in the from clause.
492 16 Duplicate column names are not allowed in result sets obtained through OPENQUERY and OPENROWSET. The column name “%.*ls” is a duplicate.
493 16 The column ‘%.*ls’ that was returned from the nodes() method cannot be used directly. It can only be used with one of the four XML data type methods, exist(), nodes(), query(), and value(), or in IS NULL and IS NOT NULL checks.
494 16 The TABLESAMPLE clause can only be used with local tables.
495 16 The return table column “%.*ls” is not the same type as the type it was created with. Drop and recreate the module using a two-part name for the type, or use sp_refreshsqlmodule to refresh its parameters metadata.
496 16 The parameter “%.*ls” is not the same type as the type it was created with. Drop and recreate the module using a two-part name for the type, or use sp_refreshsqlmodule to refresh its parameters metadata.
497 16 Variables are not allowed in the TABLESAMPLE or REPEATABLE clauses.
498 16 Invalid value in the TABLESAMPLE or the REPEATABLE clause.
499 16 Invalid parameter for the getchecksum function.
500 16 Trying to pass a table-valued parameter with %d column(s) where the corresponding user-defined table type requires %d column(s).
505 16 The current user account was invoked with SETUSER or SP_SETAPPROLE. Changing databases is not allowed.
506 16 The invalid escape character “%.*ls” was specified in a %ls predicate.
507 16 Invalid argument for SET ROWCOUNT. Must be a non-null non-negative integer.
509 11 User name ‘%.*ls’ not found.
510 16 Cannot create a worktable row larger than allowable maximum. Resubmit your query with the ROBUST PLAN hint.
511 16 Cannot create a row of size %d which is greater than the allowable maximum row size of %d.
512 16 Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
513 16 A column insert or update conflicts with a rule imposed by a previous CREATE RULE statement. The statement was terminated. The conflict occurred in database ‘%.*ls’, table ‘%.*ls’, column ‘%.*ls’.
515 16 Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘%.*ls’, table ‘%.*ls’; column does not allow nulls. %ls fails.
517 16 Adding a value to a ‘%ls’ column caused an overflow.
518 16 Cannot convert data type %ls to %ls.
522 16 The WAITFOR thread was evicted.
523 16 A trigger returned a resultset and/or was running with SET NOCOUNT OFF while another outstanding result set was active.
524 16 A trigger returned a resultset and the server option ‘disallow results from triggers’ is true.
525 16 The column that was returned from the nodes() method cannot be converted to the data type %ls. It can only be used with one of the four XML data type methods, exist(), nodes(), query(), and value(), or in IS NULL and IS NOT NULL checks.
526 16 %ls of XML types constrained by different XML schema collections and/or DOCUMENT/CONTENT option is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
527 16 Implicit conversion between XML types constrained by different XML schema collections is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
529 16 Explicit conversion from data type %ls to %ls is not allowed.
530 16 The statement terminated. The maximum recursion %d has been exhausted before statement completion.
531 10 Cannot set NOCOUNT to OFF inside the trigger execution because the server option “disallow_results_from_triggers” is true or we are inside LOGON trigger execution.
532 16 The timestamp (changed to %S_TS) shows that the row has been updated by another user.
533 10 Cannot set XACT ABORT to OFF inside the trigger execution unless the database compatibility is 90.
534 16 ‘%.*ls’ failed because it is not supported in the edition of this SQL Server instance ‘%.*ls’. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.
535 16 The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use datediff with a less precise datepart.
536 16 Invalid length parameter passed to the %ls function.
537 16 Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.
539 16 Schema changed after the target table was created. Rerun the Select Into query.
540 16 There is insufficient system memory to run RAISERROR.
541 16 There is not enough stack to execute the statement
542 16 An invalid datetime value was encountered. Value exceeds the year 9999.
543 16 Creation of a return table failed for the table valued function ‘%.*ls’.
544 16 Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table ‘%.*ls’ when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
545 16 Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table ‘%.*ls’ either when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON or when a replication user is inserting into a NOT FOR REPLICATION identity column.
547 16 The %ls statement conflicted with the %ls constraint “%.*ls”. The conflict occurred in database “%.*ls”, table “%.*ls”%ls%.*ls%ls.
548 16 The insert failed. It conflicted with an identity range check constraint in database ‘%.*ls’, replicated table ‘%.*ls’%ls%.*ls%ls. If the identity column is automatically managed by replication, update the range as follows: for the Publisher, execute sp_a
549 16 The collation ‘%.*ls’ of receiving variable is not equal to the collation ‘%.*ls’ of column ‘%.*ls’.
550 16 The attempted insert or update failed because the target view either specifies WITH CHECK OPTION or spans a view that specifies WITH CHECK OPTION and one or more rows resulting from the operation did not qualify under the CHECK OPTION constraint.
552 16 CryptoAPI function ‘%ls’ failed. Error 0x%x: %ls
555 16 User-defined functions are not yet enabled.
556 16 INSERT EXEC failed because the stored procedure altered the schema of the target table.
557 16 Only functions and some extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.
558 16 Remote function calls are not allowed within a function.
561 16 Failed to access file ‘%.*ls’
562 16 Failed to access file ‘%.*ls’. Files can be accessed only through shares
563 14 The transaction for the INSERT EXEC statement has been rolled back. The INSERT EXEC operation will be terminated.
564 16 Attempted to create a record with a fixed length of ‘%d’. Maximum allowable fixed length is ‘%d’.
565 18 A stack overflow occurred in the server while compiling the query. Please simplify the query.
566 21 An error occurred while writing an audit trace. SQL Server is shutting down. Check and correct error conditions such as insufficient disk space, and then restart SQL Server. If the problem persists, disable auditing by starting the server at the command p
567 16 File ‘%.*ls’ either does not exist or is not a recognizable trace file. Or there was an error opening the file.
568 16 Encountered an error or an unexpected end of trace file ‘%.*ls’.
569 16 The handle that was passed to %ls was invalid.
570 15 INSTEAD OF triggers do not support direct recursion. The trigger execution failed.
571 16 The specified attribute value for %ls is invalid.
572 16 Invalid regular expression “%.*ls” near the offset %d.
573 16 Evaluation of the regular expression is too complex: ‘%.*ls’.
574 16 %ls statement cannot be used inside a user transaction.
575 16 A LOGON trigger returned a resultset. Modify the LOGON trigger to not return resultsets.
576 16 Cannot create a row that has sparse data of size %d which is greater than the allowable maximum sparse data size of %d.
577 16 The value provided for the timeout is not valid. Timeout must be a valid integer between 0 and 2147483647.
578 16 Insert Exec not allowed in WAITFOR queries.
579 16 Can not execute WAITFOR query with snapshot isolation level.
582 16 Offset is greater than the length of the column to be updated in write.
583 16 Negative offset or length in write.
584 16 Select Into not allowed in WAITFOR queries.
585 16 Changing database context is not allowed when populating the resource database.
587 16 An invalid delayed CLR type fetch token is provided.
588 16 Multiple tasks within the session are using the same delayed CLR type fetch token at the same time.
589 16 This statement has attempted to access data whose access is restricted by the assembly.
590 16 RPC was aborted without execution.
591 16 %ls: The formal parameter “%ls” was defined as OUTPUT, but the actual parameter was not declared as OUTPUT.
592 16 Cannot find %S_MSG ID %d in database ID %d.
593 10 fn_trace_gettable: XML conversion of trace data for event 165 failed.
594 10 fn_trace_gettable: XML conversion of trace data is not supported in fiber mode.
595 16 Bulk Insert with another outstanding result set should be run with XACT_ABORT on.
596 16 Cannot continue the execution because the session is in the kill state.
597 16 The execution of in-proc data access is being terminated due to errors in the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
598 16 An error occurred while executing CREATE/ALTER DB. Please look at the previous error for more information.
599 16 %.*ls: The length of the result exceeds the length limit (2GB) of the target large type.
601 12 Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement.
602 21 Could not find an entry for table or index with partition ID %I64d in database %d. This error can occur if a stored procedure references a dropped table, or metadata is corrupted. Drop and re-create the stored procedure, or execute DBCC CHECKDB.
603 21 Could not find an entry for table or index with object ID %d (partition ID %I64d) in database %d. This error can occur if a stored procedure references a dropped table, or metadata is corrupted. Drop and re-create the stored procedure, or execute DBCC CHE
605 21 Attempt to fetch logical page %S_PGID in database %d failed. It belongs to allocation unit %I64d not to %I64d.
606 21 Metadata inconsistency. Filegroup id %ld specified for table ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. Run DBCC CHECKDB or CHECKCATALOG.
608 16 No catalog entry found for partition ID %I64d in database %d. The metadata is inconsistent. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for a metadata corruption.
609 16 BTree is not empty when waking up on RowsetBulk.
610 16 Invalid header value from a page. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for a data corruption.
611 16 Cannot insert or update a row because total variable column size, including overhead, is %d bytes more than the limit.
613 21 Could not find an entry for worktable rowset with partition ID %I64d in database %d.
615 21 Could not find database ID %d, name ‘%.*ls’. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again.
617 20 Descriptor for object ID %ld in database ID %d not found in the hash table during attempt to unhash it. A work table is missing an entry. Rerun the query. If a cursor is involved, close and reopen the cursor.
622 16 The filegroup “%.*ls” has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, text columns, ntext columns, and image columns cannot be populated on this filegroup until a file is added.
627 16 Cannot use SAVE TRANSACTION within a distributed transaction.
628 16 Cannot issue SAVE TRANSACTION when there is no active transaction.
650 16 You can only specify the READPAST lock in the READ COMMITTED or REPEATABLE READ isolation levels.
651 16 Cannot use the %ls granularity hint on the table “%.*ls” because locking at the specified granularity is inhibited.
652 16 The index “%.*ls” for table “%.*ls” (RowsetId %I64d) resides on a read-only filegroup (“%.*ls”), which cannot be modified.
656 10 The partitioning function ‘%.*ls’ creates %d partitions, which prevents removal of increased partitions support.
657 16 Could not disable support for increased partitions in database ‘%.*ls’ because %S_MSG.
658 16 Could not enable support for increased partitions in database ‘%.*ls’ because %S_MSG.
666 16 The maximum system-generated unique value for a duplicate group was exceeded for index with partition ID %I64d. Dropping and re-creating the index may resolve this; otherwise, use another clustering key.
667 16 The index “%.*ls” for table “%.*ls” (RowsetId %I64d) resides on a filegroup (“%.*ls”) that cannot be accessed because it is offline, is being restored, or is defunct.
669 22 The row object is inconsistent. Please rerun the query.
670 16 Large object (LOB) data for table “%.*ls” resides on an offline filegroup (“%.*ls”) that cannot be accessed.
671 16 Large object (LOB) data for table “%.*ls” resides on a read-only filegroup (“%.*ls”), which cannot be modified.
672 10 Failed to queue cleanup packets for orphaned rowsets in database “%.*ls”. Some disk space may be wasted. Cleanup will be attempted again on database restart.
674 10 Exception occurred in destructor of RowsetNewSS 0x%p. This error may indicate a problem related to releasing pre-allocated disk blocks used during bulk-insert operations. Restart the server to resolve this problem.
675 10 Worktable with partition ID %I64d was dropped successfully after repeated attempts.
676 10 Error occurred while attempting to drop worktable with partition ID %I64d.
677 10 Unable to drop worktable with partition ID %I64d after repeated attempts. Worktable is marked for deferred drop. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
678 10 Active rowset for partition ID %I64d found at the end of the batch. This error may indicate incorrect exception handling. Use the current activity window in SQL Server Management Studio or the Transact-SQL KILL statement to terminate the server process id
679 16 One of the partitions of index ‘%.*ls’ for table ‘%.*ls’(partition ID %I64d) resides on a filegroup (“%.*ls”) that cannot be accessed because it is offline, restoring, or defunct. This may limit the query result.
680 10 Error [%d, %d, %d] occurred while attempting to drop allocation unit ID %I64d belonging to worktable with partition ID %I64d.
681 16 Attempting to set a non-NULL-able column’s value to NULL.
682 16 Internal error. Buffer provided to read column value is too small. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for any corruption.
683 22 An internal error occurred while trying to convert between variable-length and fixed-length decimal formats. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for any database corruption.
684 22 An internal error occurred while attempting to convert between compressed and uncompressed storage formats. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for any corruption.
685 22 An internal error occurred while attempting to retrieve a backpointer for a heap forwarded record.
686 16 Cannot compress a nchar or nvarchar column that has an odd number of bytes.
701 19 There is insufficient system memory in resource pool ‘%ls’ to run this query.
708 10 Server is running low on virtual address space or machine is running low on virtual memory. Reserved memory used %d times since startup. Cancel query and re-run, decrease server load, or cancel other applications.
801 20 A buffer was encountered with an unexpected status of 0x%x.
802 17 There is insufficient memory available in the buffer pool.
803 10 simulated failure (DEBUG only)
805 10 restore pending
806 10 audit failure (a page read from disk failed to pass basic integrity checks)
807 10 (no disk or the wrong disk is in the drive)
808 10 insufficient bytes transferred
821 20 Could not unhash buffer at 0x%p with a buffer page number of %S_PGID and database ID %d with HASHED status set. The buffer was not found. %S_PAGE. Contact Technical Support.
822 21 Could not start I/O operation for request %S_BLKIOPTR. Contact Technical Support.
823 24 The operating system returned error %ls to SQL Server during a %S_MSG at offset %#016I64x in file ‘%ls’. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe system-level error condition that threa
824 24 SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: %ls. It occurred during a %S_MSG of page %S_PGID in database ID %d at offset %#016I64x in file ‘%ls’. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail.
825 10 A read of the file ‘%ls’ at offset %#016I64x succeeded after failing %d time(s) with error: %ls. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This error condition threatens database integrity and must be co
826 10 incorrect pageid (expected %d:%d; actual %d:%d)
829 21 Database ID %d, Page %S_PGID is marked RestorePending, which may indicate disk corruption. To recover from this state, perform a restore.
830 10 stale page (a page read returned a log sequence number (LSN) (%u:%u:%u) that is older than the last one that was written (%u:%u:%u))
831 20 Unable to deallocate a kept page.
832 24 A page that should have been constant has changed (expected checksum: %08x, actual checksum: %08x, database %d, file ‘%ls’, page %S_PGID). This usually indicates a memory failure or other hardware or OS corruption.
833 10 SQL Server has encountered %d occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than %d seconds to complete on file [%ls] in database [%ls] (%d). The OS file handle is 0x%p. The offset of the latest long I/O is: %#016I64x
844 10 Time out occurred while waiting for buffer latch — type %d, bp %p, page %d:%d, stat %#x, database id: %d, allocation unit id: %I64d%ls, task 0x%p : %d, waittime %d, flags 0x%I64x, owning task 0x%p. Continuing to wait.
845 17 Time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type %d for page %S_PGID, database ID %d.
846 10 A time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch — type %d, bp %p, page %d:%d, stat %#x, database id: %d, allocation unit Id: %I64d%ls, task 0x%p : %d, waittime %d, flags 0x%I64x, owning task 0x%p. Not continuing to wait.
847 10 Timeout occurred while waiting for latch: class ‘%ls’, id %p, type %d, Task 0x%p : %d, waittime %d, flags 0x%I64x, owning task 0x%p. Continuing to wait.
848 10 Using large pages for buffer pool.
849 10 Using locked pages for buffer pool.
850 10 %I64u MB of large page memory allocated.
851 10 the page is in an OFFLINE file which cannot be read
902 16 To change the %ls, the database must be in state in which a checkpoint can be executed.
904 16 Database %ld cannot be autostarted during server shutdown or startup.
905 21 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because it contains a partition function ‘%.*ls’. Only Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports partitioning.
907 16 The database “%ls” has inconsistent database or file metadata.
908 10 Filegroup %ls in database %ls is unavailable because it is %ls. Restore or alter the filegroup to be available.
909 21 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because part or all of object ‘%.*ls’ is enabled with data compression or vardecimal storage format. Data compression and vardecimal storage format are only supported on SQL Server Enterpris
910 10 Database ‘%.*ls’ is upgrading script ‘%.*ls’ from level %d to level %d.
911 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
912 21 Script level upgrade for database ‘%.*ls’ failed because upgrade step ‘%.*ls’ encountered error %d, state %d, severity %d. This is a serious error condition which might interfere with regular operation and the database will be taken offline. If the error
913 22 Could not find database ID %d. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition. Reissue the query once the database is available. If you do not think this error is due to a database that is transitioning its state and this error continues to occ
914 21 Script level upgrade for database ‘%.*ls’ failed because upgrade step ‘%.*ls’ was aborted before completion. If the abort happened during upgrade of the ‘master’ database, it will prevent the entire SQL Server instance from starting. Examine the previous
915 21 Unable to obtain the current script level for database ‘%.*ls’. If the error happened during startup of the ‘master’ database, it will prevent the entire SQL Server instance from starting. Examine the previous errorlog entries for errors, take the approp
916 14 The server principal “%.*ls” is not able to access the database “%.*ls” under the current security context.
917 21 An upgrade script batch failed to execute for database ‘%.*ls’ due to compilation error. Check the previous error message for the line which caused compilation to fail.
918 21 Failed to load the engine script metadata from script DLL ‘%.*ls’. The error code reported by Windows was %d. This is a serious error condition, which usually indicates a corrupt or incomplete installation. Repairing the SQL Server instance may help resol
919 10 User ‘%.*ls’ is changing database script level entry %d to a value of %d.
920 20 Only members of the sysadmin role can modify the database script level.
921 14 Database ‘%.*ls’ has not been recovered yet. Wait and try again.
922 14 Database ‘%.*ls’ is being recovered. Waiting until recovery is finished.
923 14 Database ‘%.*ls’ is in restricted mode. Only the database owner and members of the dbcreator and sysadmin roles can access it.
924 14 Database ‘%.*ls’ is already open and can only have one user at a time.
925 19 Maximum number of databases used for each query has been exceeded. The maximum allowed is %d.
926 14 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information.
927 14 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.
928 20 During upgrade, database raised exception %d, severity %d, state %d, address %p. Use the exception number to determine the cause.
929 20 Unable to close a database that is not currently open. The application should reconnect and try again. If this action does not correct the problem, contact your primary support provider.
930 21 Attempting to reference recovery unit %d in database ‘%ls’ which does not exist. Contact Technical Support.
931 21 Attempting to reference database fragment %d in database ‘%ls’ which does not exist. Contact Technical Support.
932 21 SQL Server cannot load database ‘%.*ls’ because change tracking is enabled. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support change tracking. Either disable change tracking in the database by using a supported edition of SQL Server, or upgra
933 21 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be started because some of the database functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server.
934 21 SQL Server cannot load database ‘%.*ls’ because Change Data Capture is enabled. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support Change Data Capture. Either disable Change Data Capture in the database by using a supported edition of SQL Serv
935 21 The script level for ‘%.*ls’ in database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be downgraded from %d to %d, which is supported by this server. This usually implies that a future database was attached and the downgrade path is not supported by the current installation. Install
942 14 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be opened because it is offline.
943 14 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be opened because its version (%d) is later than the current server version (%d).
944 10 Converting database ‘%.*ls’ from version %d to the current version %d.
945 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. See the SQL Server errorlog for details.
946 14 Cannot open database ‘%.*ls’ version %d. Upgrade the database to the latest version.
947 16 Error while closing database ‘%.*ls’. Check for previous additional errors and retry the operation.
948 20 The database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be opened because it is version %d. This server supports version %d and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
949 16 tempdb is skipped. You cannot run a query that requires tempdb
950 20 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be upgraded because its non-release version (%d) is not supported by this version of SQL Server. You cannot open a database that is incompatible with this version of sqlservr.exe. You must re-create the database.
951 10 Database ‘%.*ls’ running the upgrade step from version %d to version %d.
952 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ is in transition. Try the statement later.
954 14 The database “%.*ls” cannot be opened. It is acting as a mirror database.
955 14 Database %.*ls is enabled for Database Mirroring, but the database lacks quorum: the database cannot be opened. Check the partner and witness connections if configured.
956 14 Database %.*ls is enabled for Database Mirroring, but has not yet synchronized with its partner. Try the operation again later.
957 17 Database ‘%.*ls’ is enabled for Database Mirroring, The name of the database may not be changed.
958 10 The resource database build version is %.*ls. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
959 20 The resource database version is %d and this server supports version %d. Restore the correct version or reinstall SQL Server.
960 10 Warning: User “sys” (principal_id = %d) in database “%.*ls” has been renamed to “%.*ls”. “sys” is a reserved user or schema name in this version of SQL Server.
961 10 Warning: Index “%.*ls” (index_id = %d) on object ID %d in database “%.*ls” was renamed to “%.*ls” because its name is a duplicate of another index on the same object.
962 10 Warning: Primary key or Unique constraint “%.*ls” (object_id = %d) in database “%.*ls” was renamed to “%.*ls” because its index was renamed.
963 10 Warning: Database “%.*ls” was marked suspect because of actions taken during upgrade. See errorlog or eventlog for more information. Use ALTER DATABASE to bring the database online. The database will come online in restricted_user state.
964 10 Warning: System user ‘%.*ls’ was found missing from database ‘%.*ls’ and has been restored. This user is required for SQL Server operation.
965 10 Warning: A column nullability inconsistency was detected in the metadata of index “%.*ls” (index_id = %d) on object ID %d in database “%.*ls”. The index may be corrupt. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE to verify consistency.
966 10 Warning: Assembly “%.*ls” in database “%.*ls” has been renamed to “%.*ls” because the name of the assembly conflicts with a system assembly in this version of SQL Server.
967 10 Warning: The index “%.*ls” on “%.*ls”.”%.*ls” is disabled because the XML data bound to it may contain negative values for xs:date and xs:dateTime which are not longer supported.
968 10 Warning: The XML facet on type “%.*ls” in schema collection “%.*ls” is updated from “%.*ls” to “%.*ls” because Sql Server does not support negative years inside values of type xs:date or xs:dateTime.
969 10 Warning: The default or fixed value on XML element or attribute “%.*ls” in schema collection “%.*ls” is updated from “%.*ls” to “%.*ls” because Sql Server does not support negative years inside values of type xs:date or xs:dateTime.
970 10 Warning: The XML instances in the XML column “%.*ls.%.*ls.%.*ls” may contain negative simple type values of type xs:date or xs:dateTime. It will be impossible to run XQuery or build a primary XML index on these XML instances.
971 10 The resource database has been detected in two different locations. Attaching the resource database in the same directory as sqlservr.exe at ‘%.*ls’ instead of the currently attached resource database at ‘%.*ls’.
972 17 Could not use database ‘%d’ during procedure execution.

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